Friday, May 15, 2015

to my family and friends

I love you all.  I love the United States of America.  I love our Constitution and Bill of Rights.  I love our flag.  I love our planet and all of creation.  I want to see our country continue to move forward, however slowly that may be at times, to what it can become and not slip backward to what it never was.  I don't want to see our country turn back to a time when the only people who had rights were white men.  I don't want to see our country destroy our little corner of the planet along with the creatures, trees, flowers and plants with whom we share our land.  I don't want to see our country take part in the destruction of this plant that is our home.  I know you don't either.  But there are people who do and they vote.

I want to see our country take steps to ensure the equality promised in The Declaration of Independence is extended to all people.  I don't want us to continue to use skin color, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or no religious beliefs to prevent anyone from being treated fairly and equally and receiving all the same benefits and protections under the law.  Too many people still struggle with civil rights.  As a gay woman, I am all to aware of the rights I do not share with my heterosexual family and friends.  When my partner died, I could not receive her pension because we were not married.  We registered as domestic partners in Broward County Florida.  But the company handling her pension did not recognize same sex domestic partnerships.  I know you all love me and support me.  I cannot imagine that you would vote for people who want to make it even more difficult for gay people. But there are people who do and they vote.

I want us to be proud that we are a nation of immigrants who came to this country in search of something better than what they had in their own countries.  I want us to understand that the people who are risking their lives to get here are not doing so for a handout from our government.  They would rather die trying to get to the United States than stay where they are because that is how difficult life is for them.  I want us to embrace the words of Emma Lazurus' New Colossus and with open arms shout out in a loud voice "Send them!  They will be welcome here!"  Many of us are the descendants of immigrants.  I cannot believe you would be anti immigration.  But there are people who are and they vote.

I want all of you, my family and friends, to be able to see a doctor and to be able to receive medical treatment.  I don't want to see you have to use the Emergency Room as your doctor as so many people have had to do in the past because they had no insurance and could not afford to go to the doctor.  I know our current system is not perfect, but more people have insurance now than in the past.  People with pre-existing conditions can finally get the help they need because they cannot be turned down.  The system can be fixed, but not if those who seek to destroy it and replace it with something worse are elected.  I don't think anyone's income should be the deciding factor in whether they can and should be able to get medical insurance or see a doctor.  I cannot believe that any of you would  really believe there are people who deserve to die or should die because they do not make enough money to pay high premiums for medical insurance.  I cannot believe that you think anyone should die because they are already ill and insurance companies should not have to cover them.  But there are people who do and they vote.

I want you to really think about what will happen if Social Security and Medicare end.  Do you know anyone who receives these benefits?  Do you honestly believe they should not receive any assistance?  Why not?  Do you think they should have planned better?  Saved more?  Had better jobs?  My own parents were blue collar workers and depended on Social Security and Medicare.  So will I.  Do you have enough money to survive on when you retire so that you will not need Social Security?  Do you have enough money to pay for medical insurance so you will not need Medicare?  If your answer to either of these questions is "no" then please tell me why you would ever vote for people who plan to end these programs.  Do you believe that anyone, and especially children, deserve to starve?  If you do not, then why would vote for people who will do that?  If your answer is, "Well, I'm not going to vote."  then you will let others make the choices and decisions for you.

In 2016, we will decide whether we, as a country, want to move forward together or continue to become a house even more divided.  A house where some people have rights, including the right to eat, and others do not. A house were the 1% percent thrive and have all the power rather than a house where the 100% sit together at the table to work out a way that is better for more people.  There will never be a perfect system because there will never be perfect people.  But we can become better and our country can become better if only we will join together.  I'm joining with Hillary Clinton because I know we can move our country forward!  We're not going to solve every problem.  But we can and will take steps in the right direction.

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