Monday, October 29, 2012

Why women can decide this election, but won't

          When women fought for the vote, some men and politicians argued that women would simply vote as their husbands did which would be giving two votes to one person.  The more important concern was that women, who would be the majority of voters, could all vote together and actually decide any election.  That has never happened and will likely never happen.  Just as men do not agree on everything, neither do women.  Just ask John McCain who chose Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential running mate.  McCain thought choosing a woman would help him appeal to women voters.  Perhaps if he had chosen a different women, he might have had a better change.
          Women are being given two clearly different futures this election.  Some, based on their religious convictions, will vote Romney/Ryan.  That is their choice and they most likely believe that women should be obedient and submissive to their husbands.  Others, based on their pro-birth and anti-gay beliefs, will vote Romney/Ryan.  But what about the less conservative, more moderate women?  Who will they vote for and why?
          The Romney/Ryan campaign is trying to connect with women on the economic issues which affect their daily lives.  So they remind women over and over about how jobs were lost and prices rose and people struggled the past four years.  Women understand trying to stretch the paychecks to buy food and pay bills.  But what these women do not seem to understand is that the Romney/Ryan plan is not designed or intended to help them.
          Women care about the economy.  Women care about children.  Women care about the elderly.  Women care about women's health issues.  But what the women who support Romney/Ryan do not seem to understand is that they will be voting against the very issues that matter to them.  They will be voting against their future and the future of their children.
          Too many women are getting their information from Fox News, The Romney/Ryan campaign and the various conservative groups flooding Facebook with misinformation.  Sadly, those women believe without questioning.  Sadly, those women will not choose the best future for themselves and women of future generations.

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