Thursday, October 4, 2012

Why Big Bird matters....

 Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney said, during his debate with President Obama, that he likes Big Bird but will cut government funding to PBS which, of course, airs Sesame Street.  That might not seem like such a big deal and might seem to be a trivial matter to some people.  But cutting funding for PBS and educational shows such as Sesame Street do matter and not just because Sesame Street has proven time and time again to help children learn.  The idea of cutting educational television programs funded by the government is just one step away from cutting all education programs funded by the government.
     What would happen if public education, which is 100% government funded, ceased to exist?  Should all education only be available to those who can pay for it?  Should public schools become private and charge tuition?  Perhaps that seems a bit far-fetched, but it's not.  A political party that opposes government spending on anything other than defense and seeks ways to cut whatever they believe can be cut will eventually determine that education ought not to be free.  Republican governors have cut funding for public education in their States.  Teachers, aides and students are paying the price and any price that hurts schools, teachers and students is much too high a price to pay.
     Big Bird, the Muppets and Sesame Street provide valuable learning tools for children.  Let's not do any harm to one of the most valuable and priceless gifts we can give children: the opportunity to learn and be educated.

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