Friday, May 29, 2020

I don't even know what to say to you

I don't even know what to say to Black people.  I can say I'm sorry and I'm so ashamed of what happened.  But those words are so inadequate and seem quite meaningless when these murders keep happening.

I do know what to say to my fellow White people.  We own this.  We created this and we must stop this.  I can already hear the chorus of voices rising up and saying "not all White people" to which I say "not enough White people."  Not enough White people are outraged enough to speak out.  Not enough White people are saying these murders must end.

George Floyd, Breonna Tayler, Ahmed Aubrey and too many others have been killed.  We White people must do something.  No, we cannot always change the hearts and minds of those whose hatred is based on the color of a person's skin.  Racism has been a part of our country since the first colonists arrived.  But what we can do is say loudly and clearly that we do not and will not tolerate racist behavior.  We can demand that people are held accountable for what they do.  We can demand that our local, state and federal attorneys prosecute these crimes.  We can be allies.  We can say enough and finally mean enough and not rest until something is done.  But my fellow White people, that will never happen and change will not come until enough of us make it happen.  So don't say '"not all White people." Let's join together so there will be enough White people.


  1. Well said. For far too long, racism has played a large role in this country. It is a cancer in our society; something we all must work to expunge. What happened to George Floyd is heinous and sickening. It should never have been allowed to happen and we must make sure that we do everything in our power to make sure that it NEVER happens again. Mr. Floyd died in fear. A police officer, a position of authority charged with protecting us citizens from the very violence that ultimately took the life of Mr. Floyd, is the one who carried out this atrocity. Not only that, but three of his peers stood idly by while this was happening and said NOTHING to defuse the situation. All of them uncaring; all of them callous; all of them evil; all of them complicit! ALL PEOPLE should be afforded the protection of the police equally; NEVER should one be in fear of incurring violence from the police or from anyone based on the color of their skin!
