Friday, April 14, 2017

Is this what a Christian country does? A Good Friday Reflection...

Today, April 14, 2016, Christians around the world and here in the United States take time to reflect on the final moments of Jesus as he hung on a cross and died.  Christians are reminded in the days leading up to this day of sorrow that this same Jesus was welcomed and praised and greeted with palms and hosannas by the same crowd that would shout "Crucify him!  Crucify him!"  What happened to that crowd?  Why did they turn from shouting his praise to calling for his death?  What did he do?  What rebellion did he cause that would make both Jewish and Roman leaders not only fear him, but want to kill him?  He called for a change of heart.  He preached words of love, inclusion and forgiveness.  He spoke about following the spirit of the law, not always a strict adherence to the letter of the law.  He reminded those who heard his words to care for those in need of help.  How would he be received today?  With shouts of joy?  Or shouts of death?

Some in the United States, including those in various positions in government, say that this country is a Christian nation.  On April 13, 2017, when Christians celebrate the Last Supper of Jesus, when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples to show that everyone must serve everyone, the United States military used its largest non-nuclear bomb in northern Afghanistan and some Christians cheered.  Is this what a Christian nation does?  What kind of Christian people cheer that decision?

Since the inauguration of the current President of the United States, who received the support, endorsements and votes of many conservative Christians, he has signed an executive order which has torn families apart in an attempt to get "the bad hombres" here illegally out of our country.  But "bad hombres" are not the only targets and the round up continues to the cheers of some Christians.  What kind of Christian nation does that?  What kind of Christian people cheer that decision?

The current President issued a travel ban that prevented even refugees from war-torn nations from entering the United States and some Christians cheered.  The travel ban and its replacement ban have both been deemed unconstitutional because both bans target a specific religion.  Still those bans were attempted.  Is this what a Christian nation does?  What kind of Christian people cheer that decision?

The current President signed executive orders which rolled back environmental protections jeopardizing the well being of the planet, the air people breath and the water people drink.  The current head of the Environmental Protection Agency made the decision to allow a banned chemical to be used again which is a health risk.  Once again some Christians cheered.  Is this what a Christian nation does?  What kind of Christian people cheer that decision?

The leadership and some members of the Republicans who currently control the House of Representatives tried to enact a healthcare reform bill which would have harmed millions of people currently insured through the Affordable Care Act.  The bill was supported by the current President who tried convince, then bully Republican Representative into voting for it.  Fortunately there was not enough support even among the Republicans to pass the bill in the House of  Representatives.  Unfortunately, part of the lack of support was because the bill did not take away enough of the benefits provided by the Affordable Care Act.  Is this what a Christian nation does?  What kind of Christian members of the legislature support that decision?

The President has proposed a budget which will effectively end funding for Meals on Wheels and programs which provide meals for low income students in schools.  Some Christians cheered.  Is this what a Christian nation does?  Take away food from the poor, the needy and children?  What kind of Christian people cheer that decision?

What kind of Christian nation is the United States?  What kind of Christians are its citizens?

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