Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Is that really what you believe?

I know you.  I speak with you,  I count you among my friends.  I have even been the recipient of your kindness and generosity.  But when you share posts from conservative groups on Facebook, I am not just surprised, but stunned. You have shared words that are overtly racist and words that, while not specifically racist, certainly invoke the ideals and ideas of racism.  When I see those posts, I am left wondering whether the words you have shared are words you really believe and if so, why?

Do you also agree with other conservative ideas about women?  That women do not deserve the same pay as men?  That women do not deserve the same protection under the law as men?  Do you also share conservative views about gays and gay rights? Do you believe that gay people do not deserve the same rights and protections as straight people?  Do you believe that gay people, including me, are an abomination?

Do you really believe that social service programs which help the elderly, veterans, children and those most in need of help should be eliminated?  Do you honestly believe that people should not be able to get affordable healthcare?  Do you really believe that everyone receiving government assistance is just too lazy to help themselves?  Are you so well off that you know you will never need Social Security or Medicare when you are older?  Are you so well off that you can retire without worrying about how you will pay for health insurance or prescriptions or any other medical expenses?

I already know the answer is "No!" because I know some things about you.  I know a bit about your finances because you've shared that information with me.  I know a bit about your financial struggles because you've shared them with me.  I know that you are or have been with someone who received government assistance in some form and that assistance does or did help you financially.  What would happen or would have happened if you did not have that income?  I also know you have friends or relatives who are or have received some form of government assistance.  Do you believe they should not be receiving that help or should not have received that help?  You share posts from groups who want to end all social service programs.  You proudly support a political party that does not support you, yet for some reason you can not or will not see that.  I know you are holding on to the party of your birth, but that is not the party you are now supporting!

But what leaves me stunned is the racist posts you are sharing especially after nine people were killed by a young white racist.  A young man who was influenced by long held racists beliefs.  The blood of those nine people just as surely stains the hands of all who have spoken and spread hatred and racism as that blood stains the hands of the killer and the floor of the Emanuel AME Church.  Are those the words you really want to share?  Is that really what you believe?

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