Friday, October 10, 2014

What will get Democrats to vote?

The 2014 election is less than one month from now.  Thirty-six  Senate seats will be decided.  Twenty-one are currently held by Democrats and fifteen by Republicans.  The political climate in Congress is so divisive that very little legislation has passed since since January 2013 when the present members of the House of Representatives, both newly elected and re-elected, took the oath of office along with those newly elected and re-elected  members of the Senate.  Congress has spent most of its time trying to find ways to stop funding for or repeal the Affordable Health Care Act, more commonly know as ObamaCare,  So focused and intent are they on destroying something that is good for so many people, that they willingly, willfully and purposely shut down the Federal Government  Will that get Democrats to vote?

The Koch brothers and other wealthy businessmen have been pouring millions of dollars in to campaigns for conservative Republicans and Tea Party candidates.  The political ads are filled with distortions and intended to mislead.  Fox News, the media outlet for the conservative wing of the Republican party, also fills the air with misstatements, half-truths and, in some cases, false statements.  These conservatives count on a loyal voting base that does not take time to educate themselves about the facts but simply relies on and believes what they are told.  They can be counted on to go to the polls faithfully.  Will that get Democrats to vote?

The Republicans will surely cut social service programs, such as Social Security, Medicare and food stamps.  They have already done so and will not be satisfied until they have either eliminated those programs or left them mere shells which help little if any at all.  Will that get Democrats to vote?

Women still do not receive the same pay as men for doing the same job and that fight has been going on since the 1970s.  Women's rights are being regulated at every turn by conservatives in State and federal government. Will that get Democrats to vote?

There are enough Democrats to make a difference across the country.  Here in Florida there are enough Democrats in Broward County, along with those in Palm Beach County and Miami Dade County as well the Democrats throughout the rest of the State, to ensure that Governor Rick Scott loses and former Governor Charlie Christ is elected.  But that won't happen unless the Democrats stand up, stand together and vote to make the changes we all know we must make.  Will that get Democrats to vote?

The future depends on how we vote on Tuesday, November 4, 2014.  If we Democrats choose to stay home and allow the Republicans to once again decide our fate, then we have only ourselves to blame and bear the burden of explaining to the next generation that protecting their future just didn't matter enough to us.  Will that get Democrats to vote?

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