Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Paul Ryan and changing Washington

Rep. Paul Ryan said, "If President Obama can't change Washington, we need to change presidents."  This statement either demonstrates Rep. Ryan's ignorance or irresponsibility.  If Rep. Ryan honestly believes that any President has the power to "change Washington" and somehow make the members of Congress cooperate with one another so that legislation is passed, then Rep. Ryan does not really understand what a President can and cannot do.  The President can hope for and work toward creating an atmosphere of cooperation, but can never force it. 

Rep. Ryan, does not believe a President can "change Washington" and that makes his statement irresponsible and misleading.  Rep. Ryan knows that the reason Congress is not functioning properly is because his party has made defeating President Obama in 2012 their primary objective.  He also knows that blaming President Obama, while implying that Mitt Romney can "change Washington" makes for a good sound bite.  His statement is the kind of rhetoric the Republican base seem to like and are willing to believe without question regardless of how untrue the statement may be.

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